1,000's of Hotels and Guest Houses in the UK and Worldwide.

Contact Smooth Hound's UK Hotel and Guest House Directory.
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We get many requests for information that could be answered on site. Please check the information below to see if your request can be dealt with now. Thanks!

Where can I find accommodation near London airports?

Follow the town links from these pages:
For other major cities, follow the airport links that are just below the map on http://www.smoothhound.co.uk/index.html.

I contacted a hotel or guest house and have not heard from them yet. What do I do?

If you sent an e-mail, these are forwarded to the establishments immediately. They will be collected when the establishment next logs on to the internet - which will normally be at least once a day. Providing the e-mail address you gave was correct, you should hear back in a day or two.

If you sent an e-mail to fax, these are forwarded to the establishments hourly. If the fax line is shared with the telephone (which is quite common for smaller establishments) then faxes are only forwarded between 8am and 10pm UK time. They will then reply to you by telephone, fax or post. Much depends on the details you gave being correct. If you gave a fax number, you should hear back in a day or two. If you only gave a postal address, a reply could take up to two weeks. If you gave a telephone number, you should hear back within a day or two.

Sometimes - especially at the height of summer, during public holidays or at weekends - responses may take longer than shown above. Please be patient!

Some establishments do not automatically reply if they have no vacancies. If you have not heard back within the times shown above, contact them again (double checking the details you type in) and ask them to let you know even if they have no vacancies.

How do I find somewhere within my price range?

If the town you are looking in has a search button at the top of the page, use this to narrow down your choices to your price range. The search will give the best matches first and will gradually move outside your price range until all possible choices have been shown.

If the town you are looking for does not have a search button, use our advanced search.

If you have special needs - such as facilities for disabled, a non-smoking establishment, conference facilities, etc. - then use our advanced search.

I am looking for a specific town and cannot find it listed

We list over 1,000 UK cities, towns and villages. Unless the place you are looking for is really small, chances are we have somewhere listed in it. Type in some or all of the town name in the box below:

I am looking for a specific hotel. How do I find out if it's listed?

Type in some or all of the hotel name in the box below:

I'm going to be out late or away early. I want to find somewhere close by. How can I do that?

Providing you know the post code, type the first half of the post code (everything up to the middle space) below:

If you don't know the post code, check the Royal Mail's site.

I want to book a room

Go to the town page that lists your chosen hotel or guest house. If they have either e-mail or a fax, press the 'Book Now' button and complete the form that appears. If they only have a telephone number, you will need to either telephone or mail them.

Don't forget that it takes time for hotels and guest houses to reply by e-mail. If you need an urgent answer, you may need to telephone them.

I am a hotel or guest house and would like to advertise on your pages

Contact our auto-responder for an automated reply or call us on 01242 529509 to find out more.

If none of the above answers your question, please click here to contact us.

World > Europe > United Kingdom > Contact Smooth Hound

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